In [1]:
import re
import numpy as np
import dicom
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
from electroninserts import (
parameterise_single_insert, display_parameterisation)
print("All modules and functions successfully imported.")
In [2]:
# !pip install --upgrade version_information
# %load_ext version_information
# %version_information dicom, electroninserts, re, numpy, matplotlib, version_information
Three options to parameterise shapes are given below; from raw coordinates, from an RT-DICOM file, or from a Monaco® 5.10 tel.1
There is also a placeholder for importing directly from Eclipse™. Please let me know if someone with access to Eclipse™ achieves this.
In [3]:
x = [0.99, -0.14, -1.0, -1.73, -2.56, -3.17, -3.49, -3.57, -3.17, -2.52, -1.76,
-1.04, -0.17, 0.77, 1.63, 2.36, 2.79, 2.91, 3.04, 3.22, 3.34, 3.37, 3.08, 2.54,
1.88, 1.02, 0.99]
y = [5.05, 4.98, 4.42, 3.24, 1.68, 0.6, -0.64, -1.48, -2.38, -3.77, -4.81,
-5.26, -5.51, -5.58, -5.23, -4.64, -3.77, -2.77, -1.68, -0.29, 1.23, 2.68, 3.8,
4.6, 5.01, 5.08, 5.05]
width, length, poi = parameterise_single_insert(x, y)
print("Width = {0:0.2f} cm\nLength = {1:0.2f} cm".format(width, length))
display_parameterisation(x, y, width, length, poi)
If you are using the online version of this notebook you will likely want to deidentify your dicom files. can be used to do this however I am not in a position to guarantee it will do this adequately. You need to check this yourself.
To upload the dicom file go to notebook home and click the "upload button" located at the top right of the dashboard.
In [4]:
# Change this name to match the dicom file located in the same directory
# as this notebook.
dicom_filename = "example_dicom_file.dcm"
dcm = dicom.read_file(dicom_filename, force=True)
applicator_string = dcm.BeamSequence[0].ApplicatorSequence[0].ApplicatorID
energy_string = dcm.BeamSequence[0].ControlPointSequence[0].NominalBeamEnergy
ssd_string = dcm.BeamSequence[0].ControlPointSequence[0].SourceToSurfaceDistance
print("Applicator = {} (identifier name)".format(applicator_string))
print("Energy = {} (nominal)".format(energy_string))
print("SSD = {} (dicom units)\n".format(ssd_string))
block_data = np.array(dcm.BeamSequence[0].BlockSequence[0].BlockData)
x = np.array(block_data[0::2]).astype(float)/10
y = np.array(block_data[1::2]).astype(float)/10
width, length, poi = parameterise_single_insert(x, y)
print("Width = {0:0.2f} cm".format(width))
print("Length = {0:0.2f} cm".format(length))
display_parameterisation(x, y, width, length, poi)
The following code is an example of what can be used to automatically pull and parameterise shapes from the server based off of patient ID. For use in other centres it will need adjustment.
In [5]:
# patientID = '00000'.zfill(6)
# string_search_pattern = r'\\MONACODA\FocalData\YOURDIRECTORYHERE\1~Clinical\*{}\plan\*\*tel.1'.format(patientID)
# string_search_pattern
In [ ]:
# filepath_list = glob(string_search_pattern)
# filepath_list
In [6]:
telfilepath = "example_monaco510_telfile"
electronmodel_regex = "YourMachineName - \d+MeV" # \d+ stands for any positive integer
with open(telfilepath, "r") as file:
telfilecontents = np.array(
electronmodel_index = []
for i, item in enumerate(telfilecontents):
if, item):
electronmodel_index += [i]
print("Located applicator and energy strings for plans within telfile:")
applicator_tel_string = [
telfilecontents[i+12] # applicator string is located 12 lines below electron model name
for i in electronmodel_index]
energy_tel_string = [
for i in electronmodel_index]
In [7]:
for i, index in enumerate(electronmodel_index):
print("Applicator = {}".format(applicator_tel_string[i]))
print("Energy = {}\n".format(energy_tel_string[i]))
insert_inital_range = telfilecontents[
index + 51::] # coords start 51 lines after electron model name
insert_stop = np.where(
insert_inital_range=='0')[0][0] # coords stop right before a line containing 0
insert_coords_string = insert_inital_range[:insert_stop]
insert_coords = np.fromstring(','.join(insert_coords_string), sep=',')
x = insert_coords[0::2]/10
y = insert_coords[1::2]/10
width, length, poi = parameterise_single_insert(x, y)
print("Width = {0:0.2f} cm".format(width))
print("Length = {0:0.2f} cm".format(length))
display_parameterisation(x, y, width, length, poi)
Not yet implimented. If someone achieves this please contact me at or create a pull request over at
Copyright © 2016 Simon Biggs
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see